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Chess: Reimagined

Chess: Reimagined started out as a school project, which I afterwards continued to work on during my free time. The assignment was to get more familiar with a game engine (Unity) and to have created a game over the course of two weeks. I decided to create Chess as it contains a lot of specific rules, which sounded like a challenge.

Once I was finished with the base game, I realised that I wanted to develop this product further, so I created different rules for the game, where your task is to "rank up" a unit by capturing enemy units (A pawn thatt captures an enemy becomes a knight, a knight becomes a rook and so on). The player that manages to capture an enemy unit with a king of their own wins the game.

Gameplay video


I used maya 2019 to create the characters in the game. All units are based of the same start model, and then made visually distinctive by adding accessories to them.

To make the different units look clearly different  from each other, I worked a lot with extreme poses. The king for example, the unit that wins you the game if it captures an opponent, has its arms stretched out and a big cape, since it is very important for both player to easily be able to see this unit and not be caught by surprise by it. 

I also gave all different unit types a platform shape of their own, to make it clearer which unit it was.

Base Character


I added a simple environment to place around the chess board. This would act both as a background to the game, as well as to give an incentive for the two armies to fight, with their own town/castle right behind them.

I UV-mapped my characters & background, as well as added very simple texturing. To once again make it very clear to the players which unit is which, all details of a unit is in the color of that player's color (red or blue), and the actual unit changes in color depending on which unit type it is (queen is bright silver, king is gold for example).

To finalize the visual side, I created a blue monotome background, as well as added lighting to the scene, which made the background scenery a lot more interesting.


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